In my head I know that there are ways to challenge what is happening in the government right now, but it is hard to stay focused on that with all the commotion. Trump and Musk are like two bulls in a china shop with only a few people there to fit and super glue the pieces back together. I'm still worried that some of the things they're doing are irreparable.

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We can only repair things better after learning how corrupters, when let in, can wreak such havoc after democracy, alone, in the hearts of the nation was respected and led our country for hundreds of years. Evil doesnt sleep and now we have some all nighters ahead of us.

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The progressive non-profit Indivisible has rallied 45,000 people via a Zoom program on Sunday to organize resistance to this hostile takeover of our federal government. Lawsuits are moving forward to stop this destruction. I suggest contacting indivisi.org/choosetofight.

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I think it’s time for all libs to get out our dog-eared copy of Rules for Radicals and reread it.

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Thank you.

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Thank you Thank you Thank you. The calm that comes through in your writing calms me now after a sleepless worrisome night.

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The Public Citizen lawsuit is interesting. Mentioning it here bc it seems very on-topic.

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while they are busy destroying AMERICA. we will be getting ready to take it back. we need this information to do just that.

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This seems like two minutes after the DC plane and helicopter crash. No one knows what’s happening or what to do. Eventually both become clear.

I hope that the Trump-Musk stuff has a happier ending. But, that’s not guaranteed. MAGA!

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