Harris is sensibly withholding details of her aspirations for a Democratic agenda, and she knows she will need a great majority of congress to enact truly progressive laws that can withstand reactionary courts. Yet for the past twenty years a progressive movement has been building, as shown in the new book, The Guarantee: Inside the Fight for America's Next Economy, by Natalie Foster. The next two months of the Harris-Walz campaign and those of other Ds nationwide will bring more people, including growing numbers of young and women voters, to make the win possible and impressive.

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The electorate should be less white than 4 or 8 years ago. Given current enthusiasm among Black and Latino voters, this should means that Harris just has to match Biden's performance with white voters (42 or 43% depending on source) to do better overall. Nudge those percentages up a bit and it could be - I hesitate to use the word landslide, but hopefully very numerically convincing. If voter suppression efforts can be overcome, that is. Even highly accurate voting models can't account for people who fully plan to vote but are prevented from doing so.

Like all who want to finally put MAGA behind us, I want a convincing victory to show that the movement has lost its grip on the voting public. But I’m conflicted about the belief that we need one *in order to stop claims of cheating.* We cannot have a system where Republicans can win a swing state by 1 vote but Democrats must win by tens of thousands. Democratic candidates are already at a disadvantage because of the Electoral College. They shouldn’t be put in even more of one. The message needs to be clear that rules are the same for both sides. A win is a win, full stop.

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If we are to see an end or at least a ;pause in MAGAism we can't give up on states like Florida, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Alaska, etc. A 50 state strategy is aspirational but unrealistic but a 40 state strategy could lead to a short or long term realignment.

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Yes, yes, yes!

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