Wolves and Sheep
The Wolves and Sheep Podcast
Episode 18: A Mid-May Election Update

Episode 18: A Mid-May Election Update

The contours of the election are taking shape

It’s your mid-May election update, where we take a look at where the campaign stands one month after our last update. The characteristics of the election that were emerging in mid-April have now taken hold, with Joe Biden consolidating the gains he made in late winter. Even though the past month has been a relatively steady period, a lot has happened. We’ve watched Nikki Haley continue to be a factor in the moribund Republican primary race—raising a big warning flag for the presumptive party nominee. We’ve seen Biden continue to maintain the fundraising and organizational advantages that had become apparent in April. Abortion continues to be a key electoral issue despite not getting the attention it deserves, and Democrats continue to overperform in special elections. We now know what it looks like to see Donald Trump as a criminal defendant. And we learned that RFK, Jr. has a brain worm. We’ll look at all these events and try to make sense of where the campaign stands during these first mild days of 2024.

Wolves and Sheep
The Wolves and Sheep Podcast
Twice each month - and on special occasions - we'll take an outside-the-Beltway look at the political health of the country by assessing where we've been and where we're going.